How to get bluestacks to work
How to get bluestacks to work

Unlike Bluestacks 4, only the old version can play Pokemon Go. Now you have Bluestacks 5 on you computer.

  • Wait untill Bluestacks 5 installation completed.
  • The installer will download all required files.
  • Go to official BlueStacks 5 download page.
  • how to get bluestacks to work

    Here are the steps to install Bluestacks 5

    how to get bluestacks to work

    To be able to install Bluestacks 5 is very easy, only requires a few steps.

  • Graphic Card: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete.
  • Processor: AMD Multi-Core Processor or Intel Processor with Single Thread.
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows 10.
  • how to get bluestacks to work

    However, we still recommend using the Recommended system requirements. To be able to play Bluestacks smoothly, at least you have to meet the minimum system requirements of Bluestacks 5. Read Also: How to catch Ditto in 1 Minute

    How to get bluestacks to work